Forbidden Affair: Passionate Encounters with My Neighbor’s Wife

In August, under the harsh summer sun, the residents of the apartment building gathered once a month for their monthly cleaning day. I was a third-year high school student, and on that day I was paired with the wife of my next door neighbor. She was a beautiful woman in her early 30s, and looked like Mizuno Miki. I was always fascinated by her slender figure, large breasts and buttocks.

In the heat, we worked silently, and even though we were drenched in sweat, we finished sorting the bicycles in the parking lot and picking up trash. She was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and her skin was shining through the sweat that was wet around her neck.

“Would you like something cold?” she asked me.

I was invited to her house, and had iced coffee in the cool room. She said, “Wait a minute,” and headed to the bathroom, and after a while she took a shower and changed into a cool blouse and flared skirt, and returned. Her beautiful chest was visible through the gap in her blouse, and the scent of perfume wafted through the air, and it moved my heart.

“I’ll make spaghetti, so please eat it.”

She started preparing lunch, and as I watched her back standing in the kitchen, I was conflicted in my heart. I couldn’t suppress my attraction to this beautiful woman, and I couldn’t suppress the desire that welled up from deep within my heart.

After the meal, her 4-year-old daughter woke up and we played together. After a peaceful afternoon, the room was quiet as her daughter went back to her nap.

“Thank you for today. You’ve been a great help.”

She said with a gentle smile. I took her hand, drawn by her smile. Our eyes met, and our lips naturally met. She seemed surprised for a moment, but eventually she accepted me.

I unbuttoned her blouse one by one, and reached out to her beautiful chest that was now visible. Her skin was soft, and it heated up just by touching it. I could feel the passion hidden inside her through my palms.

“No… but…”

She whispered, but I didn’t feel any strong resistance in her voice. I put my hand inside her skirt and stroked her thigh, and a cool sensation reached my fingertips. When I touched her crotch, it was already wet.

She closed her eyes, furrowed her brow, and moaned with her mouth half open. I pushed my finger further inside her and felt her reaction.


As if guided by her voice, I released my desire. As I caressed her beautiful breasts, we became one. Her insides were hot, and a melting sensation enveloped my whole body.

“I’m coming…”

Her whispering voice rang in my ear, and we both reached our peaks at the same time. Her body trembled, and the strong pulsating sensation continued inside me. After a while, we quietly embraced each other and basked in the afterglow.

A few days later, her husband returned home. I exchanged greetings and behaved as usual in front of him. That night, after returning home, I got into bed and was looking at my smartphone when I received a message on LINE.

“Come to the bicycle parking lot.”

That was a message from my wife. With a mixture of surprise and excitement, I quietly left the room and headed to the bicycle parking lot of the apartment building. When I arrived at the bicycle parking lot in the silence of the night, she was waiting there.

“Thank you for coming.”

She whispered as she approached me. Her eyes shone in the darkness, and we kissed without exchanging a word. I felt her body heat, and my desire flared up again inside me.

“Here…” she whispered, took my hand, and led me to the shadow of the bicycle parking lot.

I moved in response to her words, feeling her soft hands. Her hands unzipped my pants and carefully pulled down my underwear. Her soft hands wrapped around my erection and began to gently caress it.

She brought it close to her mouth and began to gently lick the tip with her tongue. Gradually, she took the whole thing in her mouth and slowly moved it up and down, drawing me into a whirlpool of pleasure. The movement of her tongue and the feeling of her warm mouth excited me even more, and I stroked her head while breathing heavily.

“Ma’am, it feels so good…”

She responded to my voice and moved even more vigorously. Eventually, my body reached its limit in her mouth, and she sensed it and accelerated her movements even more. I finally climaxed and was engulfed in waves of pleasure in her mouth.

She gently removed my penis from her mouth and stood up with a smile. “Next, it’s my turn…” she whispered in my ear and led me to the wall of the bicycle parking lot. She straddled me and slowly lowered her hips while looking at my face.

The moment I entered her, she let out a sweet moan. Her movements gradually became more intense, and we became one and beat the rhythm. Her breasts shook, and the appearance was like a dream.

“More…more violently…”

In response to her words, I grabbed her waist and supported her movements. Her moans became even louder, and we climaxed together. Her body trembled and I felt her pleasure inside of me.

