Summer Affair: Seductive Encounters with the AC Repairman

Last summer, the air conditioner started malfunctioning. The heat was intense, making me sweat. I requested a repair from the management company and eagerly awaited the day. Somewhere in my mind, I had a faint hope that the repairman might bring some change to my daily routine.

When the intercom buzzed, I opened the door to find a man in his mid-30s standing there. He had short-cropped hair and a serious look in his eyes. “I’m here to fix the air conditioner,” he said. I smiled and invited him in, “Please, this way.”

He got to work immediately, squatting near the air conditioner to inspect it. I watched him closely, naturally finding myself standing nearby and leaning forward to peek at his work. The room’s stifling heat made his sweaty face all the more noticeable.

“It looks like this part is the issue,” he explained, pointing at a component. At that moment, I tilted my body slightly, giving him a glimpse of my cleavage. I noticed his eyes flicker towards my chest for a brief moment. I smiled inwardly at his reaction but kept my expression neutral, simply saying, “I see, thank you. It must be tough.”

He continued his work, appearing a bit tense. That tension transferred to me, and I found myself enjoying it internally. As he tried to replace another part, I leaned forward again to observe his work. Once more, I felt his gaze fall on my chest, and I gathered the courage to open my neckline a bit more.

When he finished the repair, he stood up, saying, “That should do it.” His face was slightly sweaty, and I felt a warm appreciation for his earnestness. “Thank you so much, you’ve been a great help,” I expressed my gratitude.

Two days later, he returned, bringing the necessary parts for the repair. He immediately got to work, and I welcomed him in a cool dress, showing my appreciation for his previous efforts. Deep down, my heart beat a little faster at the thought of seeing him again.

As he worked, I decided to make coffee. It wasn’t something I usually did for service people, but his diligent work had touched me. When he finished, I offered him the coffee. He seemed momentarily surprised but accepted my gesture.

We started a casual conversation over coffee. As we talked, I noticed his gaze drift towards my chest again. In that moment, I took a bold step and opened my neckline a bit more. I did it deliberately, to see his reaction. His eyes widened slightly before he quickly looked away. I smiled to myself at his response.

A few days later, when I felt the air conditioner acting up again, I contacted him. This time, I was filled with anticipation for his visit. When I heard the knock on the door, he appeared, dressed more casually, and I felt an even stronger connection.

I guided him to the air conditioner and, whispering in his ear, said, “Are you looking forward to the continuation from last time?” His expression changed, and my inner excitement grew.

“I’ve been looking forward to your visit,” I said, taking his hand and leading him to the sofa. He seemed surprised for a moment but then squeezed my hand in return.

“Why are you so irresistible?” he murmured. His words made my heart race.

When his hand touched my chest, I naturally leaned into him. As his fingers unbuttoned my blouse, my whole body trembled. When my chest was exposed, he gently kissed me, sending electric shocks through my body with each touch.

As his hand slid under my skirt, my body responded instinctively. When his fingers touched my secret spot, my entire body heated up, and I felt a rush of desire. He skillfully removed my underwear, letting it fall to the floor.

I unzipped his pants and took his hardness in my hand. His eyes gleamed with desire, mirroring my own feelings.

“I want to feel all of you,” I whispered, taking him into my mouth. His body tensed, and I heard a sweet moan escape his lips, which only heightened my own desire. I savored his reactions as I gently traced my tongue along him.

He pulled me towards him, pressing me down onto the bed. As his body covered mine, we joined in a missionary position, and my body responded to his movements like waves. With each intense thrust, pleasure surged through my body, and sweet moans escaped my lips.

“More… I want to feel more,” I whispered, and he thrust even deeper, fulfilling my desires. My body shook as I reached climax, calling his name as I surrendered to the sensation.

He pulled me up, and we switched to a woman-on-top position. Riding him at my own pace, his reactions excited me even more. His hands gripped my waist, aiding my movements, and our bodies united in shared pleasure.

As I reached climax again, I clung to him, savoring the moment with sweet moans. He felt the same pleasure, and we shared that instant of ecstasy, calling each other’s names.

Our secret relationship began, and I found myself thoroughly enjoying our time together. It was like a journey of discovering new desires within me and fulfilling them with him.

